That said, I think we are now pretty confident in our decision to scratch the U-Haul idea, and just start fresh when we get to the other side. It will be way more enjoyable to make the drive in a car, and lets be honest... This whole thing is all about being happy! U-Haul: 0 - Kia Rondo: 1
This leaves me with the logistical dilemma of what to do with all this STUFF! There's stuff everywhere. Some of it is garbage... The stuff that means little to nothing to me, or has just been accumulated because I was too lazy to throw it out, and that no one else would have any interest in. Then there is the big stuff. Stuff I can sell... Furniture, electronics, decorations. That stuff should be fairly easy, because I can just list it online. The stuff that is throwing me off is all the stuff in between; The stuff that isn't necessarily "worth" anything, but that also certainly isn't garbage.
Soooo... House-cleaning party? Everyone come over to say hi before I go. For every ten minutes you plan to stay, you have to take one item home with you! Think it would fly?! LOL
But yeah, for real... if anyone wants some stuff, I know a guy...
Now back to the party!
- Derek
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